Puppies at our kennel...
Here the puppies are a part of the family. For us it is very important to
have the puppies in hands from the very first moment, so it becomes
natural for the puppies to be handled by human touch.
The first weeks the mother nurses the puppies in calm and comfortable
surroundings, still with us helping her when needed.
No visits until after the 3rd week - to give the mother time to adjust to
the situation, and also to overcome the first worries. The first couple of
weeks are the most critical period - regarding to infection, fever,
eating disabilities…
As the puppies grows, the need for space, challenges and food increases. We involve the puppies in daily life - kitchen noise, vacuum cleaner, TV ect.
The puppies will also get to experience the world outside - the woods, the beach, the city, traffic, transportation in car ect. They will meet vary people - adults & children, other dogs…
Everything that will make a well founded base to let the puppies develop into well balanced adult malamutes.
Throughout the upbringing the mother will raise the puppies using her canine language, which the most efficient method. As the puppies grow, we will start to take over the training. We will start the daily learning process with each puppy, which the new owner can adopt when starting the new life with the puppy. Starting early and continuing the same methods will ease the transfer for the puppy.
The puppies will be raised on a quality brand dog food, which meets the reauirements for a malamute as a large breed. This means, that the energy level in the food is controlled, so the puppy will not grow to fast. If a large breed puppy grows to fast, the risk for weak bone structure and hip dysplasia increases.
Choosing a puppy
It is of great importance to us, that the puppy and owner are the best possible match - in mindset, temperament, energy level… we do not use a formal puppy test to clarify this, but as we have watched the puppies every day of their life, we have the knowledge of who is the trouble maker, the princess, the lazy, the explorer..
A mismatch would be the lazy puppy placed at a very active owner, or the energy bundle placed at a family with small children…
Choosing a puppy by your self is not an option. You may have your preferences, but we make the final decision. Hence to this it is important to us to get to know the new owners as soon as possible - to learn the new owners interest and needs to be able to choose the right puppy for the right owners.
You can expect, that the puppy:
- Has been raised on high quality dog food.
- Has been dewormed according to recommendations.
- Has got his first shots of vaccination (must be followed up by new owner..)
- Has a health declaration
- Has a passport ( by law)
- Is registered at the Danish Kennel Club, DKC
- Has a DKC pedigree
- Is registered at the Danish ID registration (by law)
Besides this, you will receive:
- A Binder with information & advice
- 1 bag of puppy kibble - same as the puppy has been brought up on.
Photos from the first moment up to the puppy leaves for the new home will be available.
We use the DKC sales agreement with an appendix made by Kennel Juneau, where guaranties, requirements and obligations are described.
We expect, that you:
- Are ready to continue the training and socialization, which we have started.
- Are ready to get a puppy into your life - with the responsibility that follows..
- Are ready to enter a puppy class, obedience classes in your local area.
- Are ready to learn to communicate using dog language.
- Are willing / able to cover the costs of having a dog - food, veterinarian, assurances…
- Have the opportunity for "dog sitting" for holidays, long hours - by family or friends suitable for the task.
- Are ready to get a new friend in your life…
All puppies leaving our kennel will always be "our" puppy. We are always interested in following puppy in his new life - receiving photos and stories.
We will be ready to help and guide you when/if needed.
No questions are stupid! You better call us 10 times to many rather than 1 call too late…